Friday, January 15, 2010

Running gear I love, and can't afford

Why is it that everytime I use the last of the coffee, I save the coffee can? It just seems like something worth saving, and I know the best way to make homemade ice cream is using two different size coffee cans, but...

...which segues brilliantly into today's PIP post; technology. I won't write about shoes today, as that probably deserves a post of its own (short version: my shoes are too big, and they hurt), but I do want to write about compression garments. I use 2Xu compression recovery socks, and I'm looking to buy some race socks of the same brand before the 10k next month. "Compression" is such a buzz-word in athletics, but I recently had the opportunity to talk with my 2Xu rep at Cynergy (where I work) and demystify some of the details.

It breaks down like this: when you were a kid, and you got hurt , you applied pressure to your "ouchie part" . Yes, you did. Pansie-ass. BUT, your bitch ass was being brilliant; you might not have known it then, but you were helping your body return de-oxygenated blood to your heart. It's called venous return. And it really makes a difference. Basically, you are helping to hasten the removal of lactic acid build-up. Which I hate. Compression garments that go all the way to your ankles (or wrists) have a "graduated fit", which basically means it squeezes your limbs like a toothpaste tube, to get things moving. And healthy.

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