Friday, January 15, 2010

I raise my post-run PBR to toast...

... my first blog entry. I should probably read someone else's running blog first, to see how it's done, before subjecting anyone to my own. Truth is, I thought of the name while running this morning, and had to snatch it before someone else did. (I can't believe it was available! It sounds so dirty...)

Today's run was my second 4-miler in, um, years. Yesterday was the first, and I did it in 35 minutes. I usually run along Speedway, from my apartment in Venice, south to Marina del Rey, and back. There's all kinds of obstacles and craziness to keep me on my toes. Today's run was a little slower, about 36 minutes, or 9 minute miles. This PBR will give me the carbs to make tomorrow's run hella fast.

I'm trying to get in shape for the Redondo Beach Super Bowl Sunday 10k, and I'm feeling good so far. My goal is a modest one; I want to finish in under an hour. It shouldn't be too difficult, but I also haven't done a damn thing to actively get in or stay in shape for several years, so this will be a nice litmus test.

Well, I've secured the name (I'm already thinking of a logo, kinda like the Nine Inch Nails logo, seen right, but with PIP, Pronating in Public... oh God, I already know I'm going to take this way too far... I should have shirts available for purchase next week) I'm told my buddy Ben has a blog where he writes about running, as well as cycling and beer. Sounds epic, so I'll probably check that out to see how it's done, and find out what I'm supposed to be writing about.

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